We spent a fantastic Saturday out at Mt. Rainier National Park with the Bauslaughs, who served as our official Rainier tour guides. We spent alot of time in the car but it was totally worth it once we got there. Here our little family just after entering the huge national park.

the cute Bauslaugh family:

heading out to hike and play in the snow from "Paradise base":

the mountain was packed with fellow hikers:

happy boys:

Baker and Lance hiked down a snow covered slope to this beautiful waterfall (yes, this is real and not a cheap Walmart backdrop)

the crew starting to get tired but having a great time:

not a shabby place to spend a 60 degree Saturday in July!


so nice to have such a strong daddy!

We stopped in at the visitors center at Paradise and our kids wandered into the informational movie and were enthralled (really). They learned all about Continental Drift, the mountain's native wildlife, scaling the peak, and of course, the history of the Mt. Rainier settlers.

Here's Ella and sweet Lindsay (these two are only a few weeks apart in age and Ella loves her!)

Our final stop in the park was at these falls:

do we look tired yet?

We can't wait to go back!