Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Eve Fun!!!
Happy Birthday Ginger!
Here's the birthday girl:
The cousins did their own rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas where each person takes a number to sing and put motions to. It was pretty funny. This was Ella's and Will's first year to have their own number and they loved it!
Will was two turtle doves and he did such a good job! He got to sing the most times and kept up with the song perfectly. Ella was five golden rings and she was super loud and cute:
Here's Bub doing his six geese a laying. Yes, he's actually laying a foil egg. Classic family entertainment!
Here's Sydney's eight maids-a-milking:
At the end of each verse, the whole crew does the partridge in a pear tree:
Fun Times!!! We love you, Ginger!
Christmas With the G's
Will loved delivering presents:
Big Will loves his new Matchbox cars:Cal really was here for all the celebrations! Sorry you're not in more pictures Big Man!
Seems like I should end this post with something to the effect of "Merry Christmas to All and to all a Good Night"! However, our Family Christmas Celebrations were just beginning...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Birthday Party for Jesus
The looks of concentration while cookie decorating:
Happy faces:
Baker's attempt to read to the kids about Jesus' birth:
We did have a birthday cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus which was the highlight of the party for me...but it went uncaptured by the camera.
Ella's and Will's Christmas Show
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Merry Christmas!
And because we love a challenge, we added sweet little Greer to the crazy Baker crew and attempted a cousin shot. Here are our results: