Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ella's Big Day

We've known that a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy was in Ella's future for awhile now. We often heard about the grandiose size of her tonsils from our pediatrician and then over the last year she had strep throat at least a half dozen times. After determining she was a strep carrier (positive test with no symptoms), all agreed that the inevitable was here so sweet Ella had her tonsils and adenoids removed on 12/29/09.

We were prepared for the worst as far as recovery goes, so Grammie and Poppa graciously took the boys off our hands for 3 days. Turns out this girl is pretty tough and having Mom's and Dad's undivided attention for a few day was pretty great, so who would want to sleep or rest, anyway!

Here's the brave girl with her bear, Rainbow, right before surgery. They gave her goofy juice (aka Versed) before taking her back and boy, was she goofy! We were cracking up and wishing we had a video camera as she slurred her words and laughed at herself.
And here she is right after waking up. She held on tight to her oxygen mask at first but thankfully did not need it. She had a few slushies while in recovery, did amazingly well with very little pain, and we were out of there just a few hours later.
Her recovery was perfect and so far we have been a strep-free family after her surgery...woo hoo!. We've also noticed her snoring (or shall we say "heavy night breathing") is much better! We are so thankful for modern medicine and competent physicians!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Let me start this post out by saying how pathetic that the only pictures we have from Christmas is on Michael's iPhone. He did manage to capture a few of our many memorable moments of spending the holiday with our families.

We spent our early Christmas in Austin this year. It was extra special for all of us since it was Caden's and Caroline's first Christmas (though they slept through most of it)!

Here are the kiddos chowing down on Uncle Jason's candy pretzel sticks:

Opening their stockings on "pretend Christmas Eve" after enjoying a delicious dinner at Pappasito's:
On "pretend Christmas morning", Cal won the prize for the largest present! It was bigger than him, for sure!
Here are the kiddos on Christmas morning checking out what Santa brought them:

We had a wonderful Christmas and loved celebrating the season of our Savior's birth with our families!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ella's Reindeer Party

Around Mohawk Elementary, it's tradition for the kindergarten classes to have a "Reindeer Party". Ella loved the whole thing and I must say, it did not disappoint! The kids moved from station to station filled with different activities. Will already can't wait for his next year!

The snack station (always a favorite)!
Ornament making:Super cute reindeer bags that were filled with goodies by the end of the party!
listening to a story:
my girl:
Mrs. Mooney's sweet class:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

just couldn't resist...

Who can resist a girl and her matching doll shopping at Sam's together? Not me!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Our kids loved the chance to trick or treat in Austin this year! We went with the community helper theme (our first year with a theme...usually it's just a random assortment of characters).

Here's policeman Will:
Doctor Ella:
Fireman Cal:
Big Cal was very unsure about the whole costume thing until he realized people were putting candy into his bucket. Once he put those two things together, he was glad to keep his fireman outfit on and mumble out a very cute, but impossible to understand "trick or treat"!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Carnival Day!

We had so much fun at the Mohawk Carnival. The kids had a blast and we came home with tons of junk (including 2 goldfish who barely lived a week) which means our kids had the time of their lives!
The entry photo shot:
Cal's turn:
Will loved kicking the soccer ball:

The family favorite was the cake walk (of course) and we left with three new desserts...YUM!
winding down after dinner!

This super fun carnival was just one more reason why we love our neighborhood elementary school!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Soccer Mom (and Dad)

With two kids playing soccer and many Saturdays out at Breckenridge Park, we figured I'm officially a "soccer mom" (doesn't that make me important to politics...or something like that!)

This fall Will played his first season of soccer. Here he is ready to play. Go Sting!
Me and my boys!
#1 fan:
Love these kiddos (and they love each other)!
Will in action:
His favorite part of the game: the bridge and snacks!
This boy kept us on our toes all season, as he loved to run away. (yes, he really was the out of control 2 year old and his parents had lost control!)
Ella in action! Go pink ponies!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

melt my heart!

Who can resist a picture of this sweet sleeping boy?!

Especially this sweet sleeping boy wearing this full leg cast! Melts his Mama's heart!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Meeting Caden and Caroline!!!

On September 26th, our family was blessed with the birth of adorable twin cousins for our kids. Since they arrived a little early, we weren't sure if they'd have to go to the NICU or if there would be any complications, so just Michael went to Austin for their birth. The kids and I had our own "birth"day party for their new cousins which helped with their disappointment of not being there for the big event. Here's our cake:

the excited big cousins:
here's Cal about a millisecond before burning his finger and discovering a fact of life he'll not soon forget: Yes, mom and dad were right, fire is HOT:

the blowing of the candles!
Shortly after we sang and enjoyed our birthday cake, Aunt Amy called and told the kids the names of their new cousins who had just been born. Everyone was THRILLED and could not wait to meet Caroline and Caden!

The next weekend, we ventured down to Austin to meet them. They are precious and amazingly good babies!

The boys:
The girls:
Will and Ella were in love!

and well, Cal, he didn't want much to do with these little guys!
here's another attempt to hide from these little ones who have stolen his aunt and uncle and overtaken their house!
we really wanted a cousin shot, so Michael had to jump in just so Cal would agree to be in it.
Welcome Caden and Caroline. You are well loved and we could not be more thrilled to have you in our family!