For her 6th birthday, Ella planned her entire really planned it! She wanted a kindergarten party complete with centers, recess and snack time. And so we did just that! Oh and yes, this was a month ago...September has been a busy month and blogging has just lost rank! Here's our sweet girl waiting for her friends to arrive (please disregard the dead flowers in the bottom corner....remember, the whole losing rank thing!)

the handwriting center...

craft center...

Cal and Poppa trying to entertain themselves before the party starts...

the girls got busy at the craft center first...

attempted to help at the handwriting center...

Mimi taught the math center...

Pop and Cal did the alphabet puzzle...

Dad taught the yo-yo center...

cute girls with their yo-yos...

Grammie did a spelling lesson (she's the one to thank for our word walls, too)...

and finished by reading the story,
Why Quincy Couldn't Quack...
sweet Will was so attentive and loved being part oh his big sister's party!

more to come....