On September 26th, our family was blessed with the birth of adorable twin cousins for our kids. Since they arrived a little early, we weren't sure if they'd have to go to the NICU or if there would be any complications, so just Michael went to Austin for their birth. The kids and I had our own "birth"day party for their new cousins which helped with their disappointment of not being there for the big event. Here's our cake:

the excited big cousins:

here's Cal about a millisecond before burning his finger and discovering a fact of life he'll not soon forget: Yes, mom and dad were right, fire is HOT:

the blowing of the candles!

Shortly after we sang and enjoyed our birthday cake, Aunt Amy called and told the kids the names of their new cousins who had just been born. Everyone was THRILLED and could not wait to meet Caroline and Caden!
The next weekend, we ventured down to Austin to meet them. They are precious and amazingly good babies!
The boys:

The girls:

Will and Ella were in love!

and well, Cal, he didn't want much to do with these little guys!

here's another attempt to hide from these little ones who have stolen his aunt and uncle and overtaken their house!

we really wanted a cousin shot, so Michael had to jump in just so Cal would agree to be in it.

Welcome Caden and Caroline. You are well loved and we could not be more thrilled to have you in our family!