We had an absolute blast in the Texas blizzard of 2010! We received 12.5 inches in just over 24 hours. It was amazing and the kids had two great days playing in the snow!
Big Will all bundled up!

the Snow Princess:

Cal loving his first snow:

check out all those flakes!

our day one snowmen:

on day 2, Ella went out in her PJs to get our newspaper:

view down our street:

our sideyard:

backyard shots:

this would be the kids' soccer goal buried under the snow:

day 2 snow fun:

Will caught in action throwing a snowball:

one unfortunate neighbor who lost a ton of branches off of a beautiful live oak.

mmmmm....eating snow!

Will and Daddy making the big ball for our next snowman:

Day 2 snowman (much improved from day 1, I'd say!)

ella girl...notice the snow is up to the top of her boot!

Michael with his nice snow creation. Ella is the photographer so it's hard to tell but it was a few inches taller than him!

Snow angels...awesome!

SNOW, come back again sometime! The Baker children loved you and maybe next time we'll have the appropriate winter gear to enjoy you even more!