Ella and Will had a great time at Sewell at the Circus with Mimi and Pop. Here they are enjoying their outdoor barbecue lunch on what was possibly the hottest afternoon of the entire summer.
Ella's favorite parts of the circus were the human cannonballs, tigers and Bello. Will's favorite part was the tightrope walker. From what I heard, Ella loved giving a play-by-play of all the circus happenings and both just had a blast! These next pictures are their hats that their $12 cotton candy came in. My poor dad couldn't quite believe his tab of $24 for 2 bags of cotton candy. Ella and Will repeatedly told us it was the best cotton candy they've ever had (I'm sure it was because only the finest, highest quality ingredients went into it this sweet treat causing the high price tag, right Pop)!

Here's a couple of shots of Ella and Will at their end of VBS show. If I can ever figure out how to download a video, I will include some quality entertainment of big Will in his first ever "show". It promises not to disappoint!

We discovered the Museum of Nature and Science and have had a great time there playing in the water room, making huge bubbles, excavating dinosaur bones and studying the ball elevator thingy. Here's a couple random pics from our first morning there. We are now proud members so let us know if any of you ever want to head down there for a fun morning outing.
We discovered the Museum of Nature and Science and have had a great time there playing in the water room, making huge bubbles, excavating dinosaur bones and studying the ball elevator thingy. Here's a couple random pics from our first morning there. We are now proud members so let us know if any of you ever want to head down there for a fun morning outing.
And lastly, one of my favorite things about the summer has been our lazy mornings. I love not being in a hurry to get out the door and just enjoying our mornings together. Here is a shot captured by our in-house photographer Ella:
After breakfast, Ella and Will love to play computer games. I have to set the timer or they would gladly sit there all day long! 
How quickly the summer has flown by! Considering how much fun it has been, it will be sad to see it end!
Mimi and Pop
glad to know you are members of children's museum. let's make a date soon!!
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