Monday, September 29, 2008

"That Didn't Take Very Long!"

This past Sunday morning, we woke up to find our new pet frog belly up on the bottom of our bowl. Yep, that would be only 5 days after her adoption. So being the responsible parents that we are, Michael quickly "took care" of it while I distracted the kids. Later, Michael and I were ready to break the news to the kids and were prepared to have this great conversation with Ella and Will about life & death and pull in spiritual things about how we can be certain of our heaven (not frog heaven) if we believe in Jesus, etc. So, we sit them down and start out our fantastic parenting moment with, "Guys, we have some bad news...". Will's very prompt and oh-so cute response was "Well that didn't take very long" and he was done, moving on, pretty much ending our conversation. Even our sensitive Ella wasn't too concerned or bothered either by their beloved frog's death. So our serious, life changing talk lasted all of 10 seconds....they were inspired!

As a final note, we're certain that Anna would have lasted at least one more week had we spelled her name correctly as Ana. Our spelling must have doomed her:)